Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Producing High Quality Wool in the Winter

Producing high quality wool can be a challenge in the winter. Be sure to keep pens well bedded so that wool stays clean. You should also feed carefully to avoid getting any grain or hay across the backs of the sheep. In the spring when the sheep are sheared you can also skirt the fleeces to remove any badly stained areas, remove wool with heavy amounts of vegetable matter and to remove any manure tags.


Anonymous said...

For producers with the intent to niche market wool to hand spinners or process the wool for sale as roving or yarn, it seems that coating those sheep with fine wool would protect the wool from vegetable matter. Do other producers consider these as a way to increase the price received for their wool?

M Barkley said...

Yes, this is an excellent way to preserve the quality of wool. Those producers who sell high dollar value wool will often cover their sheep to protect the wool from vegetable matter.